Natalie Reznikov
Natalie Reznikov, smiling.

1. Buss DJ, Deering J, Reznikov N, McKee MD

Understanding the structural biology of osteomalacia through multiscale 3D X-ray and electron tomographic imaging: A review of X-linked hypophosphatemia, the Hyp mouse model, and imaging methods

J Bone Miner Res Plus, 2024, special issue on rare bone diseases, in press

2. Reznikov N

Editorial [for paper of the year 2022] for Buss et al., “Hierarchical organization of bone in three dimensions; a twist of twists”

J Struct Biol: X, 2024(10):100116

3. Reznikov N

The Stenciling Principle for extracellular matrix mineralization. Textbook Sub-Chapter in: Ten Cate's Oral Histology: Development, Structure, and Function (10th edition)

Author/Editor Antonio Nanci. Elsevier. ISBN-13 978-0323798952

4. Halgrain M, Schneider MA, Jia S, Narcy A, Gambier E, Hincke MT, McKee MD, Rehault-Godbert S, Reznikov N

A 3D micro-computed tomography study comparing embryonic skeletal development in layer versus broiler strains of the domestic chicken

Poultry Science, 2024, 103(12):104308

5. Rodriguez-Navarro AB, Dominguez-Gasca N, Athanasiadou D, Le Roy N, Reznikov N, Gonzalez-Segura A, Hincke MT, McKee MD, Nys Y, Gautron J

Guinea fowl eggshell structural analysis at different scales reveals how organic matrix induces microstructural shifts that enhance its mechanical properties

Acta Biomater, 2024, 178:244-256

6. Grass D, Malek G, Taieb H, Ittah E, Richard H, Reznikov N, Laverty S

Characterization and quantification of in-vitro equine bone resorption in 3D using microcomputed tomography (µCT) and deep learning-aided feature segmentation

Bone, 2024, 185:117131

7. Daniel J Buss, Natalie Reznikov, Marc D McKee

Attaching organic fibers to mineral: The case of the avian eggshell

iScience, 2023

8. Daniel J Buss, Katya Rechav, Natalie Reznikov, Marc D McKee

Mineral tessellation in mouse enthesis fibrocartilage, Achilles tendon, and Hyp calcifying enthesopathy: A shared 3D mineralization pattern

Bone, 2023

9. McKee MD, Buss DJ, Reznikov N.

Mineral tessellation in bone and the stenciling principle for extracellular matrix mineralization

J Struct Biol, 2022, 214(1):107823

10. Reznikov N, Liang H, McKee MD, Piché N.

Mapping of trabecular bone anisotropy and volume fraction in 3D using µCT images of the human calcaneus

Am J Biol Anthrop, 2022

11. Buss DJ, Kroeger R, McKee MD, Reznikov N.

Hierarchical organization of bone in three dimensions: A twist of twists

J Struct Biol: X, 2022(6):100057

12. Alsheghri A*, Reznikov N*, Piché N, Gendron M, Tamimi Marino F, Song J.

Optimization of 3D network topology for bioinspired design of stiff and lightweight bone-like structures

Mat Sci Eng: C, 2021, 112010 * equally contributing authors.

13. Reznikov N, Buss DJ, Provencher B, McKee MD, Piché N.

Deep learning and 3D imaging in structural biology. Review

J Struct Biol, 2020: 107598 (invited from conference selection, special issue)

14. Buss DJ, Reznikov N, McKee MD.

Crossfibrillar mineral tessellation in normal and Hyp mouse bone as revealed by 3D FIB-SEM microscopy

J Struct Biol, 2020: 108603

15. Reznikov N, Hoac B, Buss DJ, Addison WN, Barros NMT, McKee MD.

Biological stenciling of mineralization in the skeleton: Local enzymatic removal of inhibitors in the extracellular matrix.

Bone, 2020 (cover article)

16. Athanasiadou D, Jiang W, Reznikov N, Rodriguez-Navarro AB, Kroeger R, Bilton M, Nelea V, Hu Y, McKee MD.

Nanostructure of mouse otoconia

J Struct Biol, 2020, 210(2):107489.

17. Reznikov N, Rechav K.

FIB-SEM dual-beam microscopy for three-dimensional ultrastructural imaging of skeletal tissues. Methodological insert in Comparative skeletal histology and paleohistology. Editors : A. de Ricqlès, L. Zylberberg, K. Padian and V. de Buffrénil

CRC Press (Francis and Taylor Group) (invited book chapter, in press).

18. Reznikov N, Alsheghri A, Piche N, Gendron M, Morozova I, Sanchez Siles JM, Gonzalez-Quevedo D, Tamimi Marino I, Song J, Tamimi Marino F.

The topological blueprint of trabecular bone associates with skeletal pathology in humans

Bone Reports, 2020 12:100264.

19. Reznikov N, Dagdeviren D, Tamimi Marino F, Glorieux F, Rauch F, Retrouvey JM.

Cone-beam computed tomography of Osteogenesis Imperfecta types III and IV: Three-dimensional evaluation of craniofacial features and upper airways

J Bone Miner Res Plus, 2019, 3(6):

20. Autefage H, Allen F, Tang HM, Kallepitis C, Gentleman E, Reznikov N, Nitiputri K, Nommeots-Nomm A, O’Donnell MD, Lange C, Seidt BM, Kim TB, Lee PD, Pierce BF, Wagermaier W, Fratzl P, Goodship A, Jones JR, Blunn G, Stevens MM.

Multiscale analyses reveal native-like lamellar bone repair and near perfect bone-contact with porous strontium-loaded bioactive glass.

Biomaterials, 2019, 209:152-162.

21. Ghouse S, Reznikov N, Boughton O, Babu S, Ng G, Blunn G, Cobb J, Stevens MM, Jeffers J.

The design and in vivo testing of a locally stiffness-matched porous scaffold

Applied Materials Today, 2019, 15:377-388.

22. Reznikov N, Boughton O, Ghouse S, Blunn G, Weston A, Collinson L, Jeffers J, Cobb J, Stevens M.

Individual response variations in scaffold-guided bone regeneration are determined by independent strain- and injury-induced mechanisms

Biomaterials, 2019, 194: 183-194.

23. Reznikov N, Bilton M, Lari L, Stevens MM, Kroeger R.

Fractal-like hierarchical organization of bone begins at the atomic level

Science, 2018, 360: eaao2189.

24. Silvent J, Akiva A, Brumfeld V, Reznikov N, Rechav K, Yaniv K, Addadi L, Weiner S.

Embryogenic zebrafish skeleton development: high resolution micro-CT imaging for phenotype identification

PLoS ONE, 2017; 12(12): e0177731

25. Rowan S, Chang M-L, Reznikov N, Taylor A.

Disassembly of the lens fiber cell nucleus to create a clear lens: The p27 descent

Exper Eye Res, 2017; 156:72-78.

26. Ben-Zvi Y*, Reznikov N*, Shahar R, Weiner S.

3D architecture of trabecular bone in the pig mandible and femur: Inter-trabecular angle distributions

Front Mater (Special Issue: Computed Tomography-Based Biomaterials), 2017

27. Reznikov N, Phillips C, Cooke M, Garbout A, Ahmed F, Stevens MM.

Functional adaptation of the calcaneus in historical foot binding

J Bone Miner Res, 2017, 32(9):1915-1925 (cover article, and received American Society for Bone and Mineral Research / Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Raisz-Drezner Award)

28. Kim E, Zwi-Dantsis L, Reznikov N, Hansel CS, Agarwal S, Stevens MM.

One-pot synthesis of multiple protein-encapsulated DNA flowers and their application in intracellular protein delivery

Adv Mater, 2017, 29:1701086

29. Reznikov N, Steele JAM, Fratzl P, Stevens MM.

A materials science vision of extracellular matrix mineralization

Nature Reviews Mater, 2016:16041.

30. Reznikov N, Chase H, Ben Zvi Y, Tarle V, Singer M, Brumfeld V, Shahar R, Weiner S.

Intertrabecular angle: a new topological parameter of trabecular bone architecture in the human proximal femur

Acta Biomater, 2016; 44:65-72.

31. Reznikov N, Chase H, Brumfeld V, Shahar R, Weiner S.

The 3D Structure of the collagen fibril network in human trabecular bone: relation to trabecular organization

Bone, 2015; 71:189-195.

32. Atkins A, Reznikov N, Ofer L, Masic A, Weiner S, Shahar R.

The three-dimensional structure of anosteocytic lamellated bone of fish

Acta Biomater, 2015; 13:311-323.

33. Reznikov N, Shahar R, Weiner S.

Bone hierarchical structure in three dimensions

Acta Biomater, 2014; 10:3815-3826.

34. Almany-Magal R, Reznikov N, Shahar R, Weiner S.

Three-dimensional structure of minipig fibrolamellar bone: adaptation to axial loading

J Struct Biol, 2014; 186:253-264.

35. Reznikov N, Shahar R, Weiner S.

Three-dimensional structure of human lamellar bone: the presence of two different materials and new insights into the hierarchical organization

Bone, 2014; 59:93-104.

36. Reznikov N, Almany-Magal R, Shahar R, Weiner S.

Three-dimensional imaging of collagen fibril organization in rat circumferential lamellar bone using a dual beam electron microscope reveals ordered and disordered sub-lamellar structures

Bone, 2013; 52:676-683.

37. Faingold A, Cohen S, Reznikov N, Wagner DH.

Osteonal lamellae elementary units: lamellar microstructure, curvature and mechanical properties

Acta Biomater, 2013; 9:5956-5962.

38. Reznikov N, Barkana I, Abed Y, Har-Zion G, Redlich M.

Measurement of friction forces between stainless steel wires and "reduced-friction" self-ligating brackets

Am J Orth Dent Orthop, 2010; 138:330-338.

39. Reznikov N, Barkana I, Abed Y, Har-Zion G, Redlich M.

Influence of friction resistance on expression of superelastic properties of initial NiTi wires in "reduced friction" and conventional bracket systems

J Dent Biomech, 2010; 1:613142.

Quantitative 3D analysis of bone resorption events
3D Multiscale imaging of Enthesis
Bone mineral crystallites. Scanning transmission electron tomography, 3D segmentation followed by watershed transform.
The cover refers to the article “Deep learning for 3D imaging and image analysis in biomineralization research” by Reznikov et al. in this issue of Journal of Structural Biology.
The cover refers to the article “Deep learning for 3D imaging and image analysis in biomineralization research” by Reznikov et al. in this issue of Journal of Structural Biology.
Tessellation of micrometer-sized, irregular mineral ellipsoids in the extracellular matrix of bone is a unique functional arrangement within its structural hierarchy. FIB-SEM serial-surface-view imaging.
Ions such as calcium and phosphate are used in myriad key metabolic processes, and are central to life itself. However, their abundance and propensity to adversely precipitate as mineral requires a generalized inhibition. Selective removal of such inhibition (“inhibiting the inhibitor”) to allow mineralization can be used to define the size, shape and layout of an organism (from in utero through to adulthood). As part of this process there is the third tier of mineralization regulation – the fine interfacial enzyme-stenciling control that provides refinement for mechanical resilience, metabolic responsiveness, morphological precision and sensitivity to loading, to name a few, that apparently can distinguish life from death, and health from disease.
Vortex by Object Research Systems. This image shows the interior of a proximal femur of a sheep. The specimen was imaged usingmicro-computed tomography, and then surface-rendered using Dragonfly software. The spiraling orientation of the trabecular trusses, andthe transition of trabecular texture from a robust to a delicate fabric, create an impression of a dynamic vortex within the bone’s interior.
Golden Lotus. Top panels: three-dimensional reconstruction by micro-computed tomography of a bound foot (museum specimen, the Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK) showing anatomical structure and relationships for both soft tissues (orange) and skeletal elements (yellow). Bottom left: close-up view of the left foot of a 75 year old woman who had her feet deformed at the age of 7 years. Courtesy of Jo Farrell (Jo Farrell Photography, Bottom right: an embroidered “Golden Lotus” shoe occasionally worn by a woman having bound feet (courtesy of the Museums at the Royal College of Surgeons, London, UK).
Vinay Ashok Kumar

Vinay Ashok Kumar

The intricate interplay between craniofacial biomechanics and muscle dysfunction drives my research. With a background in dentistry and surgical expertise, I focus on the debilitating effects of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) on the jaw, facial muscles, and dentition. My current work at the Reznikov lab explores a non-invasive treatment for bruxism and TMD using an innovative oscillating device designed by Prof. Reznikov and team to modulate muscle tone and alleviate pain. By integrating principles from biomechanics and clinical practice, I aim to advance therapeutic interventions that enhance patient quality of life.
Arnaud Benchetrite

Arnaud Benchetrite

I admire nature and how its structures and processes at one scale resonate across different scales, just like how tiny coral bits become vast sand beaches! I am Arnaud, an undergraduate bioengineering student from Guadeloupe. I worked in Natalie’s lab for multiple projects including the treatment and imaging of mollusk shells using scanning electron microscopy, the active training of a deep learning segmentation model, the design of laboratory experiments, the review and classification of students’ essays, the construction of microscopy kits for unprivileged students, and as a course assistant!
Lovéni Hanumunthadu

Lovéni Hanumunthadu

I am Lovéni, a master's student in the Biological and Biomedical Engineering program at McGill. I have been in Natalie's research group since my undergraduate studies, working on unveiling essential features for the intriguing mechanical properties of 3D tessellations in the bone hierarchical structure. My research project now focuses on the same research area using tools like parametric modelling, additive manufacturing and finite element analysis.
Eran Ittah

Eran Ittah

Water is crucial for protein structure and, by extension, life itself. Its role extends beyond cellular-level functions, influencing how animals adapt through evolutionary changes in connective tissues like skin, scales, bone, and corneas. My research focuses on understanding the complex chemistry and physics governing hydrated interfaces in animal connective tissues, aiming to design materials for practical applications by leveraging similar interactions.
Shumeng Jia

Shumeng Jia

I used to be an electrical and control system engineer before joining this group, but now I'm working as a “cyber archeologist” with my coding skills. My research focuses on the quality optimization on both resolution scale and volume scale of 3D computed tomography images using deep learning tools. We scan avian eggs from natural history museum collections and from breeders, as well as ancient Egyptian animal mummies from the World Cultures collection of the Redpath Museum, McGill.
Benjamin Rudski

Benjamin Rudski

I am a PhD candidate in the Quantitative Life Sciences (QLS) program. My research centres on quantitatively understanding functional adaptation in bone using trabecular anisotropy. I seek to understand the relationship between physiologic loading and bone architecture.
Benazir Khurshid

Benazir Khurshid

I am Benazir, a PhD graduate from Université de Bourgogne and Synchrotron-Soleil. As a Ph.D. graduate, my research journey unfolded by unveiling the complex structure of a mollusc shell and red corals, employing a different microscopic techniques and biochemical analyses. Now, as a postdoctoral fellow, I contribute to our group's exciting project, where the focus is understanding the mechanism behind heavy metal-induced weakening of scallop shells.
Mahdi Hosseinitabatabaei

Mahdi Hosseinitabatabaei

Having received training as a mechanical engineer, my research focus has evolved over the years to center around enhancing the reliability—specifically precision and accuracy—of computed tomography (CT) imaging through the application of diverse image processing techniques. Leveraging advancements in deep learning, the aim of my postdoctoral research is to solve the dilemma of choosing between resolution and field-of-view in dental cone beam CT imaging such that a large volume with rich structural context can be achieved without sacrificing the image resolution.
Alexandre Demers-Potvin

Alexandre Demers-Potvin

I am a new postdoctoral researcher in the Reznikov Lab with a background in paleontology following the completion of a Master’s and of a PhD in Prof. Hans Larsson’s lab in McGill University’s Department of Biology. After spending much of my PhD making 3D reconstructions of animal skeletons through surface scanning and of entire fossil-rich rock outcrops through photogrammetry, I will direct my attention towards the segmentation of several CT scans of biological and archeological specimens from McGill museum collections. My ultimate objective is to display those segmented and annotated scans within a virtual reality museum that I will design as part of this project.


Hubert Taïeb

Hubert Taïeb

Coming from Marseille, France, I obtained a PhD during my time at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces and the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. There I worked to understand the role of biophysical cues such as osmotic stress and fluid flow on breast cancer metastasis and dormancy using quantitative 3D time lapse confocal imaging. With my background in image acquisition and image processing, I then went on to a Mitacs postdoctoral position between the Reznikov Lab and Comet Technologies Canada, Inc. (creators of the Dragonfly software), where I am creating universal deep learning neural networks for bone or jaw segmentation. I am passionate about food, especially eating it and scanning it with µCT.

Natalie Reznikov

Teaching office: McConnell Engineering Building
Research lab: 141 du Président-Kennedy Avenue, 5th floor
Email: natalie.reznikov at

Jacob Reznikov - Web Development, Web Design
